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Many Autos offers Thermostat

Thermostat is a small and often forgotten part of a car. However, it performs an important function by controlling the temperature of the engine coolant valve. Thus, when it stops functioning, the car engine can get overheated and does not work anymore. Thus, once this thermostat begins to wear out, it should be replaced without much delay.
The thermostat starts at a closed position when you start the engine to help it reach operating temperature. As coolant temperature rises, it begins to open. The opening allows hot coolant in the engine to flow into the radiator, while the water pump pushes lower-temperature coolant from the radiator into the engine. When the lower temperature coolant reaches the thermostat container, the expanding fluid begins to contract, closing the thermostats valve.
During engine operation, though, the thermostat actually never fully closes or opens, but gradually nears either state to control coolant flow, depending on engine operating conditions. This allows the engine to operate at the best temperature. This ideal engine operating temperature accomplishes several goals: It helps engine oil to lubricate efficiently and to remove harmful deposits. It reduces emissions and gas consumption, and contributes to engine performance. Thus, the thermostat has an impact on your engine's health and longevity.
Replacing a thermostat on a car is usually fairly easy but it depends on the vehicle make and model. You know it's time to replace your thermostat when your car is constantly overheating or running at a higher temperature than normal.
At first, the radiator cap is to be covered using a thick bath towel and turned, while getting to hear the sound of release of the pressure. When the sound stops, the cap is to be taken out completely. A thermostat looks like a hose, black in color and 2 inches in length, coming out of the top of the radiator. This thing is to be searched for and then the hose is to be unscrewed by a screw driver or pliers and the clamp from the engine is to be taken off. The hose is to be turned around the thermostat cover to loosen it. A bit of coolant may also come out during this time. Now, after loosening the bolts from the thermostat cover using a wrench, the thermostat is to taken out.
The old gasket is to be taken out with a scraper, over the thermostat. Now, with the help of spring mechanism, the new thermostat is to be put down in the engine and gasket sealant is to be applied. This gasket is to be fixed in such a way so that all its bolts are aligned in a straight line.
Now the radiator hose and the thermostat cover are to be replaced with new ones. Then the engine of the car is to be started but only after ensuring that the sealant has dried off completely. The engine should be allowed to reach up to its workable temperature, before taking the car out for a drive. Any sign of leakage, either from the thermostat or from the hose, or seeping of the coolant itself is to be checked for.


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